Artist's Statement

      When people think of the University of Arizona, they think about a community that only includes partying, and lacks any other community diversity.  The goal of this photo blog is to change everyone’s idea about the diversity of the Arizona community.  We want to show the current and future students of Arizona that there is more than just partying in our community, that there are academic communities, Greek communities, and so on within our larger Arizona community.
  Though each and every student at the University of Arizona is unique and different in their own way, the community that we share is what we all have in common. Every day, thousand’s of people walk passed or utilize all of the photographed locations. These features of our campus are not only resources for us, but are a part of what makes us feel comfortable and at home.
Our goal in this project, was to make the existence of a community of students evident through a variety of images captured at common locations on Campus. These included locations such as University Avenue, Greek Row, the Student Union, the library, etc. We chose these locations because we believed they would each display an image of our diverse student community in different ways. Each photograph showed either the student population itself, or different aspects of campus we all thought contributed to the idea of our community of the U of A. 
In terms of these photographs, our art form was photography using a camera as our medium and focusing on the theme of community. In a school as large as ours, it's an understatement that community would be a common concept throughout the student population. Though there are many specific communities in the University of Arizona, such as the Greek community, the Eller community, and all communities associated with specifics majors etc., we all exist within a much larger universal community that makes up the student population of the University of Arizona. 

- Hannah Perkins, Christina Zalokostas, Adam Katz, Sam Seeger

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